Title | Cooperation | Organization, project № | Duration |
Sensor technologies of molecular diagnostics for personalized medicine | Skolkovo Innovative Center | 2011-2021 | |
The development of portable analyzer based on cantilever microarray for rapid diagnosis of prostate cancer | Ministry of Education and Science RF, Federal Program "Research and development on priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia in 2007-2013", contract No. 16.512.11.2265 | 2011-2012 | |
Synthesis process optimization for various modifications of carbon nanotubes and development of functional elements for nanoelectronics on their basis | NIFHI, Department of Chemistry MSU | Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Lot 6. 2007-3-1.3-07-06. | 2007 |
Physical principles and prototypes of new type of micro-and nanoactuators based on quasi-one-dimensional conductors and laminated composite materials with shape memory effect | Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, VPO" "Tver State University" | Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Activity 1.3 - I turn (Industry nanosystems and materials), Lot №2007-3-1.3-11-01-684 |
2007- 2008 |
Development of technology for the Internet - Laboratory in nanoscopy | Foundation for Promotion of Small Enterprises in Science and Technology |
2006- 2007 |
Development and Production of Basic Setup of Apparatuses and Devices for the Educational and Scientific Centres of Nanotechnology with Full Network Access | Russian Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology, Grant N 32.400.11.3215 |
2003- 2004 |
Technology of Open Experimental Internet Practical Studies for High and Middle Education | The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), Grant N 1837 |
2002- 2003 |
Analytical Nanoscopy of Nucleic Acid Dynamics | Professor Yuri Lyubchenko, Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University Temple, Arizona, USA | NATO Science Program |
2003- 2004 |
Molecular interactions of a plant virus genome with virus-coded and host cell proteins involved in intercellular virus transport: high-resolution imaging of protein-protein and protein-RNA complexes | Prof. J.G. Atabekov Prof D. Talayanski, Great Britain, Dr. Kristiina Makinen, Finland | INTAS, (N 01-0045) | 2002 |
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Biospecific Interaction | Professor Yuri Lyubchenko, Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University Temple, Arizona, USA | NATO Science Program | 2002 |
Computer Networking Supplement | Professor Yuri Lyubchenko, Department of Microbiology, Arizona State University Temple, Arizona, USA | NATO Science Program |
1999- 2001 |
Dimensional Tunneling Phenomena in Molecular Films and Nanostructures in the Presence of Localized States | Government Grant of Ministry of Science and Technology, Germany |
1995- 1996 |
Thin Film Study: Adhesion, Friction, Hydrophobic Effect and Two-Dimensional Conductivity | International Science Foundation, (N1C000 and IS5200) |
1994- 1995 |