Advanced Technologies Center takes part in GRAPHENE2012
Graphene 2012 International Conference will be the largest European Event in Graphene to be held in Brussels (Belgium) from 10th until 13th of April 2012 at Brussels44Center.
A Plenary session with internationally renowned speakers, extensive thematic workshops in parallel, an important industrial exhibition carried out with the latest Graphene nanotrends for the future will be some of the features of this event.
Following the overwhelming success of Graphene 2011, Phantoms Foundation is pleased to announce the second edition of this great event that will gather the Graphene community, including researchers, industry policymakers, investors and plans to be a reference in Europe in the upcoming years.
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation supports major national research institutes and development companies, nano-carbon materials developers participation in the exhibition and scientific program among such companies and researchers is Advanced Technologies Center.
On the Russian Federation stand the country's leading universities such as: Moscow State University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Institute of General Physics, Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology, Karelian Branch of the RAS and other will also present their research activities.
The business program of the conference GRAPHENE'2012 will held a series of roundtable discussions and meetings, the topics of which will be:
- "Chemistry and Materials of graphene";
- "Modeling of materials and devices based on graphene";
- "Combined approaches to graphene using ramanobskoy spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy";
During the poster session Advanced Technologies Center Senior Research Fellow O.V. Sinitsyna will present her poster (together with E.A. Khestanova, A.A. Antonov, I.G. Grigorieva, I.V. Yaminsky) "New promising pyrolytic graphite for micro-mechanical exfoliation of graphene"

Conference webpage